What if a Zombie outbreak happened in Spain?
I found an interesting article in Max Berggren's Blog, where he implements an SIR Model, a Survival - Infected - Removed model that simulates the spread of diseases.
Max did it for Norway, but I wanted to see what would happened if a Zombie outbreak would happen in my home country, Spain.
I wanted to check how much of an impact the location of the patien zero would have on the spread of the disease. Spain has a very interesting population density, with the border and the geometrical center (Madrid) being densily populated.
To provide a benchmark I ran all the simulations the same amount of time , 1200 iterations.

We see that if a Zombie outbreak started in Madrid, pretty much all of the country would be infected. People on the South West (Sevilla, Huelva) and in the North East (Cataluña) would be last people to get overrun by the infected, giving them time to scape the country (hopefully).
My hometown :)

In this scenario, we see that, because of the lack of population in the area surrounding the East coast, the Zombie Outbreak is effectively contained and only covers about a third of the country surface. The damages would be great (the East coast is the most densily populated), but there would be survivors.

Similar outcome as the previous case. The zombie outbreak spreads very fast along the coastline and then it is contained.
Hope you guys liked it!.